” As seen on prestashop forum (go to the forum to view comments from ps community) “
This is my first one-column prestashop theme, with a cool effect on product mouseover “Putih” is “White” in Indonesian.
- One column layout, fixed width 980px
- Beautiful effects on product mouseover and shopping cart block.
- Top horizontal menu by Julien Breux
- Homepage slider (NivoSlider module) by Paolo Rivera
- Block currencies, languages, cart2, myaccount-footer from prestashop_new theme
- Editable footer blocks, using wContent editor module by Wozia
Has been tested on some modern browsers : IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari. (won’t work perfectly on older version of IE).
Try out this new theme, it is completely free. Comments, questions, suggestions are very welcome (please post it below).
Screen shoots
DOWNLOAD Cool Putih theme (14610)
NEW RELEASE FOR Prestashop 1.5 :
Please do not remove my credit on the footer, because it really means to me. If you need to remove it, please buy me a beer.
Do you find this theme is useful for your web-shop? Then please consider to make a small donation. Doesn’t matter the amount you donate, it will encourage me to create other useful stuff.
Need more adjustment for your shop? Just contact me, I offer some services for prestashop modification.
Hope this theme will be useful for prestashoppers
Hi there, I am using your theme for PS 1.4.6 and it works great. I need to delete the link at the bottom and I want to buy you a beer. For some reason I cannot use the Paypal page and I don’t speak German so I really don’t know what the issue is. If you can send me your email address I will be happy to make a donation. Best. Pietro.
Thanks Pietro for using this theme, you can change the link on file “footer.tpl”. I have sent you an e-mail about my paypal account. Thanks.
nice theme.
it is possible to add a column to the left and right?
thanks. it is one-column theme, so there is no left/right column. you can modify (add left/right column) the theme to suit your needs.
I need a theme for THSIRT Shop.
Do you have it?
economic pls!
you can use this theme for free. it’s suitable for any kind of business.
bagus pisan atu nur,..bisa pesen nanti kalo butuh y..btw sabaraha ongkosnya atu neng..
makasi mas.. bisa, langsung hubungi saya kalo butuh theme atau website, saya kasi harga bagus..
Great theme!
Please note of the following bug:
(Sorry, I can’t capture this using screen capture tools for your review, so I will describe it as best that I can)…
When you hover over to the top left corner of the cart (above the letter “N” for “No Products”, you will find that the “add to cart” button gets activated.
In the case of your demo, when we go to the top left corner, the add to cart button can be activated.
In my case, on the top left corner, instead of getting the top left corner, I ALSO get a small blank box AND the bug that activates the add to cart button.
Please help us resolve this. Thank you in advance.
Note: this is visible using the latest Firefox, Crome, Explorer, Opera, and Safari browsers as tested.
hi George, thanks a lot for finding the bug. It’s a small Css mistake, I have updated the theme to version 1.1.
If you have downloaded version 1.0, you can replace one file : themes/cool-putih/css/modules/blockcart2/blockcart.css with the new one: http://prestashop.nurharyati.com/cool-putih/themes/cool-putih/css/modules/blockcart2/blockcart.css
Thank you. Now resolved.
Thanks for the theme.this is very nice. I would like to disable(remove) currency and language bar.
and also change background with some image..
can I get some help on how to do it?
I removed both currency and language bar using admin-> menu->Positions.
I would like to move the cart position to center now.. any help?
hi srikanth, i have replied your comment on the forum about moving the cart position
that worked well . thanks for the help.
Hi, I love the theme you created. Clean and elegant.
But When I install it I don’t get the picture of the shopping cart uo to the right as your demo has. I only have the shopping cart written. Where is hte setting for changing that?
I also wonder in which file the settings for the size of the box around the product one hover the mouse pointer over.
I have very long names on my products and the name goes into the shoppingcart and would like to add more space between the product and the cart.
you can try adjusting file themes/cool-putih/css/product-list.css
hi, do you have your shop on a live server? so that I can see it further what’s going on.
firstly, please check if the following image exists inside the theme folder:
siang mbak nur, ada mo ditanyain nih mbak,
untuk setting ukuran block thumbnail image yang kek di gambar mbak itu yang http://nurharyati.com/wp-content/gallery/cool-putih/productlist.png itu tinggi kearas kan gambarnya, tp disaya ini petak gt, settting nya gmn ya mbak biar persis kek di tampilan screenshoot mbak itu…
yang ini lho http://nurharyati.com/wp-content/gallery/cool-putih/productlist.png...
mohon bantuannya mbak… thanks
halo beni,
untuk ukuran gambar sudah tertera di readme.txt, ukuran harus diubah dan gambar produk di-regenerate ulang
wah mantab, it’s work mbak thanks for the help hehehe
Hi.I am using your theme for PS and it works great. But module wContent is not visible. Please help my.
have you put some content on each language?
The module is installed. But it appears only in Right column blocks
could you give me you link address? so that I can see it further. thanks.
Hi Friend,
I am using ipage hosting and using version I have installed your theme through theme export option. It gets sucessfully installed. After selecting theme through theme menu, my site stops working. It shows internal server error.
So could you please tell me solution on it?
it might be a permission issue, please check the permission of cool-putih theme directory. this link may be helpful : http://paikialog.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/get-500-internal-server-error-from-prestashop/
mbak saya lagi mencoba belajar prestahsop, gimana caranya menambahkan blok-blok pada footer spt pada demo tema yang mbak publish. saya ingin tu masukin block untuk (facebok, twitter,dll), dan blok lain sesuai kebutuhan saya..mksih sebelumnya mbak.
bisa menggunakan module wContent
Hello can you please send me your paypal address so I can make a donation to your project and to remove the footer!. Thank you, also do you know how to centre the footer? And one more thing your demo when you rollover the cart it has an effect, mine does not do that do I need to install a module or something? Thanks.
I have sent it by e-mail. thanks
Hello, can you tell me how to get the email subscription working with your theme?
Thanks for the wonderful piece of work.You definitely have a heart for people as you are providing it for free. This is what I needed.
But please please please I need a left column to place categories,new products and live chat support.I am very bad at programming so could you please update??? I will be really thankful to you.
did you get a reply to adding back in the left column… really need this myself.
Also, i need to alwasy show the buy now buttons on the Category page…
anyone know how this is done… many thanks
I installed it but nothing comes up. Do I have to do something with the config.xml file? Or
Terimakasih atuh mbak Nur..
Themenya keren, baru lihat screenshot ma download. Habis ini mau dicoba..
Maap ga bisa beliin beer. Haram. hehehe…
Kopi saja ya
Hi, congrets wit the great theme and thanx for sharing it! I did a clean install of PS and you theme on a compliant server. I have 2 questions:
1) wContent will install but cannot be configured (keep getting an error)
2) hovering over the shopcart doenst give the contents of the cart as shown in your demo.
Do you please have any suggestions?
regards, Freek
same problem here
my bad! this theme is perfect!
Mba nur please kirimin email bwt thema yang bagus untuk toko online ya ? Btw themanya keren bget thank you for sharing
I want to use this theme and make you modify it for me to match my needs and I’ll pay you for that. Please Send me an email
thanks for this theme . i will build new online shop website.
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot for your lovelly theme. I downloaded it and it works perfectly. I have one problem 2 problems ( wishing you could help as soon as possible):
1) Top horizontal menu by Julien Breux: Every time I change the background color or Add a background image, the effects wont take place and the background stays white whatever I do. The only thing I can change in the menu is the Headings Font Colour. Any Help Please?
2) How can I add a background Image on all sides:
i.e. Left, right, middle, header, footer columns?
Thanks again.
Appreciate your help please
for horizontal menu background, you can change it directly from the css file. /modules/jbx_menu/css/superfish-modified.css.
for other backgroung you can change global.css inside the theme folder.
Mba, saya lagi belajar prestashop. saya sudah install theme punya mba nur ini tapi nivo slidernya ga muncul di halaman prestashopnya, padahal di admin saya lihat udah terinstall modulnya dan saya coba upload gambar manual tapi tidak muncul di daftar gambarnya. Mohon pencerahannya mba. Terimakasih.
gambar nivo slider harus di upload per bahasa kalo ada lebih dari 1 bahasa
mbak…. themane apik… matur suwun
Great theme thank you.
I cannot configure wContent. When I clcik on teh wContent configure link, it hangs. I use prestashop 1.4.6.
How can we modify the footer content, anyone experienceing the same issue?
Thank you very much !
Hi you all!
I need some help guys. I have just loaded this theme, everything works well unless the cart. I can add new products to the cart but unfortunately when I checkout the cart is empty!
I appreciate any suggestions.
Nice theme but I am not able to install it on a version, which is installed on a test server for a customer.
I followed all your instructions, but the new template does not show up in the theme page to choose from.
hi, I am using the theme installer to install your theme. When i finished the process, I want to roll back to use the default theme. I check on the default theme and save. But the site is still using your theme, what is also strange to me is that I can not see the preview image of your theme and choose your theme as default, what might be the reason? any clues for me?
Sis, thanks buat theme nya, sorry saya mau tanya untuk mengedit footer.tpl, saya mau mengganti company name, sudah saya edit di footer.tpl tetapi tidak ada perubahan. Thanks atas bantuannya.
aktifkan Force Compile dari backoffice.
mba saya mau tanya, kalau rubah jadi dua column bagaimana mba caranya? 2 column pas halaman product, tapi pas home tetap seperti kondisi yang sekarang, seperti themes velvet dapurpixel, bagian mana saja yang perlu saya rubah, thanks
how can I get the prices to show? and i tried to send the money to remove the credit on the footer and it won’t go through. can i send it through your email? and can i place a small cart at the top of the page?
Hi, I installed your beautiful theme and everything seems to work on most browser except for internet explorer 9. The header and menu bar is missing. Can you please help?
Congratulations fot this great theme, can I use it on prestashop
some prestashoppers have tested it on 1.4.7 with no problem, please try it.
Please, i need help for this lovely theme! I have installed correctly this theme, but mine theme don’t show the rollover effect of the header cart as your demo.
Anyone could help me? I have tried to install another version of prestashop but i am still the same problem…
please check if module “[Prestashop New Theme] Cart Block v1.2″ has been transplanted into “Top of pages” (Backoffice > Modules > Position)
Hello! Your theme is so useful….but I don’t know how eliminate the buttoms on the footer….i tried use wcontent but i had this problem: PHP Warning: opendir() [function.opendir]: Unable to access D:\XVRT\sobrefilart.com\Html/modules/wcontent/imgs/ in D:\XVRT\sobrefilart.com\Html\modules\wcontent\wcontent.php on line 279 PHP Warning: opendir(D:\XVRT\sobrefilart.com\Html/modules/wcontent/imgs/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in D:\XVRT\sobrefilart.com\Html\modules\wcontent\wcontent.php on line 279 PHP Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in D:\XVRT\sobrefilart.com\Html\modules\wcontent\wcontent.php on line 281 PHP Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in D:\XVRT\sobrefilart.com\Html\modules\wcontent\wcontent.php on line 284
Mantap mbakl themes nya.. ijin download ya.. thanks
sis, saya mau tanya module blockmyacountfooter kok berubah warna pink ya? saya mau mengubahnya jadi warna standard gimana caranya ya?
thx ya sis atas temanya.
hocam temayı yükledim ancak ana sayfa boş çıktı ne yapmam lazım 1.4 kullanıyorum
Mba bisa tolong diajarkan ga cara bikin wcontentnya? saya mau buat follow twitter dll, waktu saya edit langsung tidak mau keluar wcontentnya TT
Nice theme! I like the clean layout.
I am having some issue with the cart.
1.Can it be set so that when i click the cart, it goes to the summary of the cart? this is because if there are vouchers to be be keyed-in rather than straight to the address page.
2.There seems to be some bug with the my horizontal bar. The wording is not exactly on the bar. any reason why?
Please help!.. and thanks for a nice theme.
for question number 1. you can deactivate ajax cart on Module > [Prestashop New Theme] Cart block > Configure.
Hi Nur,
thanks for the feed back.
i tried what you suggested. it does go to the summary. But every click of the add button it changes to the summary. It might be troublesome for customer to keep changing back to the product pages. Any other ideas?
Can we edit somehting in the scirpt itself?
i have a problem with size of the product
please check file readme.txt inside the documentation directory of the theme. thanks.
If you take a look at my store home page you will see that the line above and below the menu have disappeared…any thoughts on how to get them back?
Great module will donate for sure!
Actually I meant to comment on something different all together but still need the above answered…sorry.
Is there a way to add a store locator feature prestashop now allows for store locations to be enbedded in the footer but no matter how I try to get it there it does not appear?
Any thoughts?
Thank for your nice theme. how can we use layered navigation block. Thanks
Hello and congratulations on your wonderful theme!
Was looking for something just like that…!
I am using prestashop 1.4.7 and test it on a local server.
I keep getting 404 errors when i click on a new product saying “The requested URL /prestashop/-/1–.html was not found on this server.” or a featured one saying “The requested URL /prestashop/2–.html was not found on this server.”
What do i have to edit to fix this.
I would appreciate a solution to this.
Thank you again!!
I am having an issue with the shopping cart and prices being displayed on my website. Can someone please help me out?
Themes nya bagus banget menurut saya, kebetulan saya juga lagi belajar prestashop.
Kalo saat order selalu dibilang Kurir tidak tersedia itu solusinya bagaimana ya?
BTW, kalo seandainya kedepan nanti saya berniat donate bagaimana ?
Ditunggu reply nya ya, thanks…
Hi. I have the same problem with wContent in Ps When I go to Modules => Others modules =>wContent => Configuration it not responde…..Help please??. Thanks
thanks for the theme .
I have a problem: I can’t see the menu of home products … above.
I am using the prestashop
a greeting
I had also the wcontent error. opendir.
I fixed it by adding a subdir imgs in the /modules/wcontent
Keren mbak. cocok utk UKM di indonesia
halo mbak, saya pake prestashop
saya upload tema ini di prestashop saya, upload zip file sukses mbak, tapi pada saat di select theme ternyata ada error message “cannot access settings file”, mohon pencerahannya, saya nubie nih di prestashop.. thanks..
Wcontent dont work with prestashop
. What is thé solution
Hi Nur,
This theme is very nice, if i want to remove the footer. Please give me the info to do so.
Can I change the color a little bit?
Mba, sy baru coba install di local.. waktu tes wContent, page “configure” module tidak keluar… sy pakai…
Mohon pencerahan mba
Cool, mba!
Also works for PS 1.4.8.x
hi i need this them for right to left language ( persian language ) . can yuo help me plz ?
Do you know how to fix this issue:
Hello,i have a problem,i would like to go directly to the cart afte adding a product AND more importan i would like to not go to the “adress” and “shipping cost” step,because it´s not necessary and a lof of people break the buy up at that step,but the chckbox for user agreemnet need´s to still be there but on the last step like “i have read the agreement and and confirm the order” the word “agreement ” should be klickable and linkt to the agreemnet(i need it in german) i would not only buy you a beer i will help you make a lot of money.please contact me. thanks
hello i need to remove shipping and adress step because i don´t need them,can you please help with that? i will donate for you for sure and i have a idea how you can make a lot of money with your work too,please contact me
saya menggunakan themes mbak tapi bagian nivo slidernya hanya slideshow 3 bannner aja diatas itu yang lainnya ga muncul ada solusi ?
Hello, can you please send a picture for the layout of your theme, and how can i add a right or left column to it?
sis ane mo tanya.. masukin slidernya bijimane ..maklum nubitol..:D
hello i am using your template but some reason there is a big space in the page….. so what can I do to remove this space between the products and my foot ? I need to change the size of the window for the products why is soo big and my products do not have product with big quality…. so what can I do to change it ? so nice your tema thanks!!!!
Dear friend I stude other question and fix what I needed but I realy wanted to add other colum in the home. Please can you tell me what exactly file I have to change and what code or line have to be modified? regards dear friend
Great Theme, thanks!!
Thanks for the theme…love it!!!
I just need your help with something…on the footer i would like to change de Company name…I opened every footer.tpl and cms.tpl and changed it but didn’t work…what should i do…or which footer.tpl is it that i need to change?
Thanks a lot and good job!!!
Oh one more thing…why the wContent doesn’t show if i enable other languages in the shop???thx
Hi – great template, well done.
I have 3 things to raise, hope you can help:
1) When you remove the sitemap, contact, bookmark block on the top of the site, for some reason it reduces the space between the “Welcome, log in” link AND the currency/language drop downs. Not sure if this can be fixed? It makes everything look quite cramped on the top right.
2) On the products page – it says “There are x products.” Where x represents the number of products being sold. How can this text be removed? I don’t think it adds any value to let a customer know exactly how many products I sell.
3) There is no CHECK OUT feature on the product page. A customer must know to go to the cart on the top right of the page to check out.
Hello Nur, this theme is compatible with version 1.4.8….
thank you for this theme! I am adding you to my linked in!
if you dont mind I will be in touch when new customers for eshops comes to me..
Hi – The menu links seem to have a default red color mouseover. How do we change this to another color?
Hi – thanks for your theme. I have bought you a beer, in kind I hope you can return the favour by helping me remove the footer? How can I do this? Please email me. thank you.
Theme yang Keren nih sist saya ijin download yah. terimakasih
The xContent dosnt work for your theme, could you please give me some tips how to get it working.
Thank you very much
Pardon wContent
I don’t have the slideshow on homepage
Can you help? thank you
Hey. Sorry for my english. Check the site for the opera, when you hover the mouse over the product runs in the top of the cart
sae pisan theme na nur … p aya tutorial ngeditna henteu nur ???
lieur ngedit ngeditna euy neng .. hatur nuhun pisan …
Hi Nur,
I am editing your template now and find it a bit hard for me to do it (amateur in presta). so i will need your help to edit it for me. Please contact me for further discussion. Thx
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Nice theme!
I will not use because I don’t have a store but I was taking a look searching resources and I see your theme (don’t ask me how I finish here jeje) but Is a nice theme.
Pingback: Clean Prestashop Ecommerce Theme : Cool Putih
Hi, Thank you very much for your beautiful template.
I am making a new store, but I can’t change language in My Account (foot), if I change from the translations of modules do not work after other translations.
Thank you.
I have the same problem as George. I do not know how to solve it but to me it does not work. I changed “blockcart.css”
but the result is the same-it does not work.
Also, the footer does not display as it should. Can you help me please, I’m a beginner and I’m not doing very well.
We solve (module was not activated). But now I have another problem, is transparent, can you help me please ..
Hi!! I´ts compatible with PS 1.5?? Thanks a lot!
unfortunately, no
Hi, you plan to update Cool-Putih for prestashop 1.5?. Thank you.
yes, i will update it soon.
Hi Nur,
I want to remove effects on product mouseover and shopping cart block. How do I do this?
Hey Nur Hayati, terima kasih banyak lah, what a wonderful theme, , thnx very much, keep the awesome work up!…
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