Cool Putih Theme for Prestashop 1.5

Just created Cool Putih Theme for PS 1.5 :)

Please try it out:


It’s NOW FREE :)

Since I’m busy on my daily business activity, I have no time to answer, reply e-mail, and do installation about this theme. So, I give it for free.

You can freely develop this since it was developed for Prestashop 1.5.0, and now Prestashop 1.5.X has been released.

Download Cool Putih Theme for Prestashop 1.5 (7383)

Note : The theme must be installed manually by copying files to prestashop theme directory.


Do you find this theme is useful for your web-shop? Then please consider to make a small donation. Doesn’t matter the amount you donate, it will  encourage me to create other useful stuff.


[Free Prestashop 1.4.6 Theme] COOL PUTIH

” As seen on prestashop forum (go to the forum to view comments from ps community) “

This is my first one-column prestashop theme, with a cool effect on product mouseover :) “Putih” is “White” in Indonesian.


  • One column layout, fixed width 980px
  • Beautiful effects on product mouseover and shopping cart block.
  • Top horizontal menu by Julien Breux
  • Homepage slider (NivoSlider module) by Paolo Rivera
  • Block currencies, languages, cart2, myaccount-footer from prestashop_new theme
  • Editable footer blocks, using wContent editor module by Wozia

Has been tested on some modern browsers : IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari. (won’t work perfectly on older version of IE).

Try out this new theme, it is completely free. Comments, questions, suggestions are very welcome (please post it below).

Screen shoots

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Pasangan yang ‘sempurna’

Tak ada seorangpun yang sempurna. Seperti kata pepatah, jangan menghabiskan waktu Anda untuk mencari orang yang sempurna. Tapi carilah seseorang yang bisa menyempurnakan kehidupan Anda. Si dia mungkin tak seganteng Brad Pitt, tak sekaya Donald Trump dan rambutnya tak setebal Sharuk Khan. Tapi kesabarannya dapat membuat hati Anda tenang setiap saat. Itulah pasangan yang ‘sempurna’.